Emigrants book reviews
Emigrant Trails
Indifferent Stars Above - Donner Party
Look of the Elephant
Life on the Plains and Among the Diggings, 1854
So Rugged and Mountainous
Truckees Trail - Stephens Party
One More River to Cross - Stepehens Party
Across the Plains, 1850
The Plains Across Overland Emigrants
Following Sarah (1850 journey from Michigan to California) 1840-60
Hard Road West
Old Greenwood
Fearful Crossing: Central Overland Trail Through Nevada
Trail of the First Wagons
Over the Sierra Nevada
Tail of the Elephant (Emigrant Experience
With Golden Visions Bright Before Them Trails to the Mining West 1849-1852
Desperate Passage -Donner Party
Emigrants Guide to California,
1849 (just in case you want
to go)
Emigrant's Guide, 1845 Lansford Hastings
From St. Louis to Sutter's Fort, 1846
History of the Donner Party
C.F. McGlashan
Saving the Donner Party
and Forlorn Hope
Donner Party: Weathering the Storm
Donner Party Chronicles
The Mothers (Donner Party)
Ordeal By Hunger George R. Stewart
Best Land Under Heaven - Donner Party
The Donner-Reed Tragdey - fiction
Deceived the Story of the Donner Party
Opening of the California Trail,
1885 by Moses Schallenberger
The California Trail George R. Stewart
Trail to California, an 1849 diary
Moses Schallenberger
at Truckey's [sic] Lake
California Trail Map (1849) and Advice
Camp of Death - Donner Party
Donner Miscellany 41 Diaries & Documents
Days of Hope Miles of Miser (fiction)
Overland in 1846 V1
Overland in 1846 V2
Gold Rush Diary
Eliza's Story (1845 trip)
The Ungodly (Donner Party)
White Hell