There is a lot of history out there and we'd like to save it all. We've made a good start with Norm's incomparable collection of old photographs and other ephemera. To that has been added in the years sicne the DSHS's founding in 2008 lots and lots of things: machinery, skis, Olympics tickets, clothing, signs, a Chinese wok from transcontinental railroad days, oxen shoes, advertisements, and more. The most common contribution are old family albums and photographs.
If you have old photographs we'll happily accept the donations or we'll happily make copies. Then, most likely there will be articles in our Heirloom newsletters as there already have been (The Jimmy Schull album, the Johnny Ellis materials, the Crampton Family Album, the Kirkham Family Album, Jim Wiggins' materials, and Milli Martin's archives (her uncle and aunt owned the Norden Store for decades).
Then you may be lucky and make a "find" at a flea market. That's where the album of two fellow making a bicycle trip from Sacramento to Truckee over Donner Summit in 1901 came from.
With your help we can save history for posterity.

The inside of the Crampton Lodge Store in 1948.

"Papa" Frederick at the Norden Store ca. 1935.