Here is history you can download. As we print more, we'll be posting more so be patient.
The Ice in Ice Lakes - a booklet about the Summit Ice Co.: who, when, where, etc. 383 k PDF
The Ice in Ice Lakes - placemat size paper with short pieces on the Summit ice industry 925 k PDF
Petroglyphs - a quick explanation and some pictures of Donner Summit petroglyphs
The stories of Leland and Jane Stanford by Margie Powell: beginning, middle, and end 40, 28, 36 kb PDF's
The story of Lola Montez (we have lakes names after her), sources, map and pictures. 711 kb PDF
The Up Ski - the first ski lift on Donner Sumit and the first in California? It's a web page
The Osborn letter: 1917 letter summarizing 1849 wagon trip across the country. web page
Donner Summit's Scenic Highway 40 Bypass - map and Summit points of interest PDF 11" by 17" 2.4 meg
Opening Celebration of the new building 8/15/09