Teaming at Cisco - Half Way House1
Half Way House - Thomas Houseworth 1261 This little building was on the road connecting Upper Cisco with the Dutch Flat-Donner Lake Wagon Road. After reaching the end of the railroad at Cisco, goods were loaded on wagons for the trip over the Summit. The sign on the porch roof is a mystery. Half Way to where? It is about halfway between the railroad and the South Yuba River, and it is roughly halfway between Dutch Flat and Donner Lake, but who knows? It is pretty small, so it could have been just a bar. The location for this photograph had eluded me, so I enlisted the aid of Bill Oudegeest, who just walked up, pulled back the brush from the front of the prominent rock, and said "Here it is!" Thanks, Bill! The old Juniper on the left side is still there, and doesn't look a lot different than it did in the 1860's.
Photo location 39° 18.316'N 120° 32.821'W Note: I really should have stood further back for the photo, but the trees and bushes which have grown there hid the entire scene.